Welcome to my website. Thank you for visiting. There are a variety of reasons a person is interested in counseling most of those reasons include wanting a more enjoyable life.
Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Happiness is not a goal…it’s a product of a life well lived.”
My desire for you, as a counselor, is to help you transform your past into an infinite source of possibility for you. To transform your past experience into a life well lived. Sometimes that may involve neutralizing the “sting” from previous events. In other instances, we will access resources you already have in some situations that you may not have thought about using (or know how to use) in a different situation. We will build a compelling future for you based on your feedback to me about where you want to be. I have numerous tools in my therapeutic tool box and over 25 years experience to help you step into that transformation into your future.
“We embark on a journey in life in which challenges arise and circumstances constantly change. By ‘selectively reconstructing our past’, we attain the status of ‘creator’ of our own journey.” Erik Erikson, Psychologist
Until we meet in person, the following is an exercise you may want to experience or not on your own. I have found listening to Weightless (free music on uTub and having post-its available is helpful with this work.
You may find it useful to record the instructions so that you can listen to them to take you through this exercise. You may have a family member or friend available to take you through this experience.
Turn on Weightless and as you listen, just take a moment to think about a specific state you want to experience. For the sake of practice let’s say calmer. On your post-its write – Birth, 15 years old, 21 years old (if applicable) and so on up to your current age & Now. Put them about half a foot apart in a straight line going out in front of you if you have room or closer together if necessary. Now stand on the post-it that says Now looking back over your life until Now.
Now step to the side of your Now post it and think about a time when you felt very calm.
When you are ready step back onto your Now post-it and walk back to that age standing where you felt very calm. Write that age on the post-it & turn standing on it as you see what you saw when very calm. Now hear what you heard when very calm until you begin to feel calmer and more relaxed. That’s right, fully and completely relaxed, breathing deeply. Now walk that very calm feeling back to the moment of your conception through to your birth. Turn around and looking towards your future, knowing all of this serves as a solid foundation and a resource, taking that deep sense of calmness and relaxation through your infancy, childhood, young adulthood right up to your current age feeling calm and so very relaxed as you return to the present Now (standing on the Now post it). Looking forward feeling your calmness opening up – completely relaxed throughout your body, surrounding you as you feel calmer and even more relaxed now and in your future.
Won’t you let me know how this exercise goes for you?